You might be wondering where I've been again?
I'm still here. Still swimming :) But life has been pretty crazy on our side of the world. Mainly, we've been spending quite a bit of time at the doctors with my little girl.
When she was born, she had a little skin tag on her lower back. Our doctor promptly removed it but advised us to get her back checked. After multiple tests, aka xrays, ultrasound and finally an MRI last Friday suspicions were confirmed - my sweet pea was born with "tethered cord syndrome". When we went for the MRI, she was sedated and kept for observation afterwards due to her young age. We spent 15 agonizing hours locked up in a room with a myriad of nurses coming in and out, with my poor baby covered with all kinds of cords - and she was NOT sleeping or sleepy at all! She had two 30-minute catnaps and was so uncomfortable and tired of people bugging her all the time. And yes, even sedation cannot make this girl nap :) On top of that, she was up half of the night due to being so overtired. But this test also revealed that she has some issues with her kidneys...
We are not sure if the two things are related or not. We will meet with the neurosurgeon on the 19th to discuss our next step. At this point she doesn't show any symptoms of her condition (which is awesome) but we, honestly, don't want to wait until she does because any damage caused by tethered cord is irreversible. At some point, possibly in the near future, she will need a surgery or, potentially, three...
It breaks my heart to think of what my amazing little princess will have to go through:
She is the sweetest little girl. She loves to smile, hardly ever cries and adores her siblings and parents. She doesn't deserve it...
It's not easy for me to write all those things. We are trying to stay positive and keep faith but, honestly, we are tired, really, really tired. It seems like every time we turn around the corner, something else just hits us in the face... The past few weeks all I wanted to do was hold my babies closer. All four of them...
Because that's all that really matters...
I hope I will be permanently back soon from my constant impromptu blogging sabbaticals, even if it's just to keep you updated. I have so much to tell you and we will also be tightening our belts even more to pay off all of these medical bills (and I will really need your support to be able to do that!)
But right now I just want to thank you for your prayers and for not forgetting us in these challenging months...