Monday, January 14, 2013

Food waste and a menu, week 1/14-1/20

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Hello, everyone! How was your day??

It was definitely a MONDAY for me...First, we woke up with the temperature below zero today. Yikes!! And the whole week looks not very promising either. I wanted to take a picture of our thermometer but just couldn't make myself get out of the house with the camera. Brrr!! The forecast  said that it was about 1F but they are lying! it was -7F on my thermometer. What do they know??

OK, done pouting :) I'm just really counting the days until spring. So I stayed inside pretty much all day (other than 20 minutes to pick up Kid from school). It's easy to have a no-spend day when it's freezing outside :) I did a ton of laundry and made an inventory of our fridge and freezer. Unfortunately, I had some food waste. I didn't take any pictures (being lazy again) but on the very bottom of the fridge I found some freezer burned hamburgers and a bag of black beans. You know that I hate throwing away food :( I really need to start doing monthly inventory from now on.

And this week we will eat, mostly, what we have in the fridge, freezer and pantry. I actually want to challenge myself to spend no more than $10 for food this week which should be easy. We should only need bananas, apples and milk. Well, might need some potatoes too.

This isn  what our menu looks like:

Mon.- tater tots, hot dogs, peppers and corn (OK, Mommy was tired and needed some comfort food...)
Tues.- shrimp scampi, angel hair pasta, steamed broccoli
Wed.- `tuna sandwiches
Thurs.- broccoli-beef, rice
Fr.- BBQ sausage, potatoes, frozen veggies or salad
Sat.- leftovers
Sun.- soup with homemade bread/ pizza

What are you eating this week?


  1. Yikes! It's cold there! Hope things warm up today.

    1. Doesn't look very promising today but I hope it will get better by the end of the week.

  2. Leftovers at my house this week!! Not much cooking needs to be done. Have you checked into buying a Food Saver? They are pricey but no more freezer burn, Meats can last up to 3 years I think it is once they are sealed and frozen, it can be a real money saver. PS. send some of that cold weather our way OK!!

    1. I actually bought a Food Saver a few months ago but never thought of re-packing everything I already had in a freezer. I should've done it :(

  3. I need to work on my menu plan today as well.. we have lots of food in the house so i'm going to cut our budget back next week as I hit a few sales last week and spent more than I planned.

    1. I spent a little more than I planned last week too, that's why I'm staying at home this week where it's nice and warm :)


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