A few months ago I changed the name of my blog to "On My Side of the World". Lots of you started following my journey when it was still called "Frugal and Thankful". Honestly, most of the clicks and searches I get are still for "Frugal and Thankful" :) That's fine because that's still who I am. That didn't change! I think I will always live frugally, and I hope to always remember to have a thankful heart for all the many blessings in my life.
So why did I decide to change it? Well, many months ago I had a conversation with a friend from back home (if you are new to my blog, I was born and grew up in Russia, and moved to the States about 7.5 years ago). She asked me why I write in English. I tried to explain but she kind of brushed me off and said that I need to write for Russians instead.
That made me think. In the last decade my homeland changed a LOT. Even my own city changed so much that I, probably, wouldn't be able to find my way around any more. Many new areas were built, new public transportation lines started, new stores and businesses pop up every day. My friends at home all grew up too. Most of them are married with one or two kids, some achieved a lot of success in their career and other personal matters.
I try to keep my eye on what's happening in politics, economy and international relationships in my country. But I have to be brutally honest here, I don't know everything that's going on. Far from it. Most of what I know comes from family, friends and media. I realized that when I was younger, I could tell and hum all the top ten songs on the Russian music charts. And now I know more about Justin Bieber than Russian singers. Well, I lied about Bieber. I don't know much about him (thank goodness). But I definitely hear his name a LOT more often.
And this, I guess, brings me to my point. I didn't stop loving Russia and my people but I know how to live HERE now. I know how to be frugal here. I know what my favorite stores are, where I love to go thrift shopping, what a yard sale is. I know where I can find treasures, and what's the best place to shop for baby stuff. I know how to craft on a budget, and where you can find cheap fabrics. I know quite a bit about finances, and I follow the political changes in the country. And I try to write about what I know.
And yet, I'm not American either. I'm somewhere in between of both worlds. I'm on my own side :) I don't know if it makes me unique or weird but that's who I am. You know, take it or leave it :) Since I moved here, I've heard a lot of hurtful things about Russia. At first, I would just get mad. Now I simply try to help change misconceptions to the best of my abilities. Because I had them too before coming to the States. And I'm glad that lots of things I've heard about America turned out to be just not true!
And I'm grateful for many of you who accepted me for who I am - with my quirkiness, funny ideas and broken language ( I doubt, there are that many bloggers whose husband proof-reads almost every post to fix all of the "a" and "the"...Don't get me started on my love for English grammar...). You saw beyond that and became friends and supporters without judging. It means a lot! More than I can explain.
I often feel like I live a little bit on both sides and sometimes like I don't belong in either. But I'm also so happy that I have some awesome friends in both worlds, and that you come and visit me here, on my other side.
You, guys, are amazing! Just saying :)
Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone!

Lena, I did not know you had only been in the US for 7 years. English is tricky and I never would if guessed it was not your native language if you had not said so. Your English is accurate in spelling and punctuation. That is not easy. I am impressed!
ReplyDeleteOh, thank you so much, Rhonda! It's quite a compliment for me!
DeleteLena, can I be the first to tell you how wonderful you are!! Hugs!! Also, at this age, I don't 'think i'd be able to pick up Russian, so THANK-YOU for writing in english! ;) lol!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Carla! You are one of my biggest inspirations. I'm learning from the best, you know :)
DeleteCall yourself and your blog whatever you want, I am gonna call you (and it) fabulous! Love to read your musings, thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Erin! I'm so glad to get to know you and your amazing family (even if it's just on a blog)!
DeleteI LOVE YOU FOR YOU always my dear, and will always support the wonderful person, wife and Mother I see you to be from Just North of Wiarton to Your Side of the World. xxx and two more for good measure xx
ReplyDeleteThank you, my sweet friend! I appreciate it so much!
DeleteLove love LOVE you and this post. I'm so glad we met many moons ago, and I love "your side" of the world, wherever that is. I love that you are being who you are because that's what makes you amazing. Love you Lena. :)
ReplyDeleteLove you too Holly!! :)
DeleteWell said. I think all of us feel out of place at one time or another (although maybe not as dramatically as you do) and we need to learn to be true to whoever we are wherever we are.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree! And I'm constantly working on it :)
DeleteI think I read your blogs for months before I learned you were from Russia. I enjoy your blog,thanks for taking the time to write! (And so glad its in English, if it was Russian I would be lost ;) ) Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your sweet comment and comments! I always appreciate it!! You inspire me so much with every new creation of yours.
ReplyDeleteI think you do an awesome job with the English, hard to imagine that is is your second language! Your blog is one of my favorites.
Hi Lena
ReplyDeleteI think you have done an amazing thing. It's not easy moving from one country to another and leaving behind family and friends then having to learn a new coulture and a new language. You have done well in a short time.
You should always do what is right for you and you family as they now come first.
Add me to the "love your blog" list :-) Though from reading I know you are from Russia, it sure doesn't show in your writing English. You probably have better grammar than I do! I agree with you, you are living this life - in English - so that is what you should write about. Plus you are so crafty! Keep up the great blog.
ReplyDeleteToo funny. We're pretty alike in a lot of senses. I came to the US from the Caribbean about 9 years ago. A lot of my English friends tell me I have a better grasp in grammar and punctuation than most native speakers. Sure, I still mix in/on, as do most Spanish speakers, but hey, I try. I don't dislike my country, but I definitely have not kept up with it, mostly because as kids, we were blocked out from most of that; politics, changes, etc. Only the big news were heard of, so following up here or there was just not something I decided to keep up with. Then we have my "Maryland" side which is where I live, but it still doesn't feel that I live here, or anywhere. Have never really felt home in any place I've been, but more of in my little whirlpool of madness. And that's alright with me!
ReplyDeleteYou're very fun to (digitally) hang out with, and very inspiring, so keep doing what you're doing!
When we first moved to the US, I had some US High schoolers approach me and ask me (seriously) if we lived in tents like Indians. I just said we did, and we had horses and straw skirts to go with it. They took it as fact. Not sure if I was amused or horrified.
I think that you are extremely intelligent and articulate. And that fact that you embrace both sides equally makes you more interesting and have more to give than the average person.
ReplyDeleteWhatever you call your blog, I will be here to read about what you are doing!
You could always write both in Russian and in English. I've seen dual language blogs before and liked it!
ReplyDeleteLena!!I think it's awesome that you are doing so well with your English! I would never have guessed, my dear!! How cool that you know how to speak two languages too!! Hopefully you'll be able to keep in touch with your family and friends in Russia, as I believe that's important too.
ReplyDeleteBlogging is kind of unique too because you can be friends with lots of people from different countries!!
And, I'm REALLY glad you decided to write your blog in English!! Otherwise I would never have found you!!
You're awesome & I love reading your blog. :-) My husband is bilingual & has been out of Iran for so long that he struggles with the language now! It's hard, because he doesn't have anyone local to talk to, so just for his mother. ;-) Just keep up your Russian skills, so you can pass on your language to your son, if that's something you want to do.
ReplyDeleteIn case you didn't already know this, I think you're awesome (and always have). I've loved reading your blog, I think it's so different from a lot of what's out there and you're so creative! Plus, I would have never guessed your hubby had to proofread your posts. :) I'm glad you live on my side of the world. :)