Sunday, October 27, 2013

Life works in mysterious ways...

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I owe you an explanation for my disappearance. It's coming, I promise. As soon as I have just a little more time. What have I been up to? Well, I'm not gonna tell. Not yet. But here is the clue:

 photo IMG_0200_zps9294d535.jpg

Can you guess where I am?? Life has been pretty crazy, in a very unexpected way... But it's good, and I can't wait to tell you all about it as soon as I get an extra minute...

In the meantime, I would love to hear your guesses :) And I hope you all are doing OK. Will be back in a day or two...


  1. Where ever you are you deserve it! Life has been tough for you lately and you have been fighting the good fight. So Wherever well..enjoy it. I am lousy at naming any location :)

  2. Looks like you are by the sea/ocean so I'm thinking that you are with your father-in-law again at the same place that you went to in the summer? Hope you are having a lovey time.

  3. Let's see. Let's make this really good. Your husband went on a job interview that the whole family got to come along in a place with a beautiful beach. And he got the job. Otherwise, an unexpected trip to a beautiful beach in California.

  4. You won the lottery and moved to the beach! If not, then I still think you should.

  5. Humm, well it is not the southeast coast, not enough rocks for the northeast coast. The carribian has whiter sand...Are you on the west coast? Wherever you are enjoy that lovely view!!! Oh ya, and hurry on back to us

  6. My guess would be somewhere in Great Britain. Looks beautiful.

  7. Wherever you are, dear Lena, it looks beautiful. x

  8. Looks like the Oregon coast to me, maybe by Tillamook?

  9. I have absolutely NO idea... i'm going to guess somewhere near the coast... ;) hehehe!

  10. Hmmmmm, very intriguing! If you've ended up by the ocean/seaside/lake/bay etc then you must be having a great time! Can't wait to find out!

  11. That looks like Southern California to me. You are on ..... either Hermosa Beach or Manhattan Beach or Redondo Beach or Torrance Beach LOL And the peninsula in the background is Palos Verdes. Am I right??

  12. I hope your husband got a job offer in California and you all came with him to check out your new place....would love to have you close to me :)



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