Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My next big project.

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In January, when the whole country was suffering from cold temperatures and crazy snowstorms, we had drought and fairly mild weather. We had literally not a snowflake pretty much through the whole month. But winter is back. Definitely. It's been snowing for the past two days, and will keep going on and off all week. So we are kind of stuck at home.

To make things even more boring, I don't have any work assignments right now so it was time to do some household work (no excuses any more!). I wiped the fridge inside and out, organized our linen closet, deep-cleaned the kitchen. But on the back of my mind there was always the "dreaded room"...

Do you have a room or a place in your house where everything ends up? Well, you guys are awesome! I'm embarrassed to admit that I do. It's worse than you might think. Don't believe me? Well, here is the proof:

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Hello, my name is Lena, and I'm a hoarder... I am ashamed... There are many-many projects  collected on this couch... The saddest thing about it is that it used to be a guest room. And now it's just a dump room for everything and anything. The floors are slightly better but this futon is pretty much covered with junk. It was time to clean it...

But I wanted to do something bigger and better.  And here is the reason why: a few weeks ago I had a long conversation with my Mom. Her treatment is going really well right now, and the doctors are pleasantly surprised with her progress. So I'm cautiously hopeful... On the other hand, after all this stress, my Dad started having issues with his heart. It's just so hard to be away from them! So they are thinking of coming to visit us after Mom finishes her treatment. We will probably be helping them partially with the tickets. We just miss them so much and want to be closer...

So in the next two months Hubby and I will be transforming this room top to bottom. Honestly, I always hated it. It's pretty small and dark, with low ceilings. There is not much we can do about the ceiling but we can change many other things to make it more functional for both them and us because, even though this place is small, it still has to serve many purposes.

We decided on a budget of $900. I know it sounds like a lot of money but it's not. Because, first, we need to replace that sad futon. It served us well for the past eight years but it's time for it to go. It's old and, definitely, not a good fit for two not very healthy parents.

Unfortunately, this room is too small to have a decent sized bed in it and still be functional. After looking everywhere we finally found this sofa bed from IKEA:

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It's fairly big, comfy and pretty. I'm very pleased with our choice. But it will also eat almost half of our planned budget. I told you it wasn't that much :)

There are so many things we want to do with this room. I will tell you more as we will go through the process. And at the moment, I can just promise that it already looks a lot better than it did in the picture above :)


  1. Hi Lena. I am SOOOO happy to hear that your mom's treatments are going well! And how exciting that you have such a wonderful incentive to fix up your spare room- I bet you cant wait to see your parents! And don't be down on yourself- I think most people (me included) are 'hoarders' in their own way. I know how things can get started and not finished and things don't always get done, especially when you have a couple of little munchkins running around the house to take care of. :) We just recently had to turn our 2 bedroom house into a 3 bedroom house by splitting the larger bedroom (used to be our master bedroom) down the middle so our 6 yr old (boy) and 2 yr old (girl) can have their own rooms. Needless to say it caused a lot of mess and, with my health not so great right now, it is taking me forever to clean up and organize everything. But I know that it will get done eventually and I just smile and keep my mind's eye on how it's all going to look- (which is probably drastically different from the way it will actually look when the kids throw their toys and books and dolls all over the place, etc- Haha, that's ok, I'm still gonna strive for organization!) Good luck with your project and please post pics when it's all done! :)

  2. I have a whole basement way worse then you could imagine; and my spare bedroom looks much like yours right now as well. xx

  3. There's a futon under there?? LOL! Not so long ago my whole house looked like that! I'm gradually getting rid of the clutter. I'm sure your guest room will look wonderful and inviting once you're done redoing it - and you can't go wrong with Ikea!

  4. It sounds like your parents will be staying for a while... that will be such a wonderful time for you! I love the futon you've found... maybe it will go on sale soon? Are there any IKEA coupons or rebates for stuff like that in the US? I can't wait to see how the room turns out!! :)

  5. Great job! I love that futon! Can't wait to see the transformation.

  6. I have a room that looks just like yours! I am looking forward to seeing the transformation.

  7. Great news that your mum is recovering hope your dad is ok. Our spare room is much wore than that, I had two clear outs last year and it's still bad. The sofa bed looks lovely and I'm sure you will find a way of not paying full price, you have a great knack of doing so. Can't wait to see the room finished.

  8. Having visitors is always a good incentive to clean up. Can't wait to see what you come up with to make this small room comfortable and still fulfill all of it's needed duties. And that's good news about your mother.

  9. I have a "scary room" - nuff said!

  10. Oh great you have an Ikea close to you!


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