Saturday, November 1, 2014

And I became...

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... no, not Mom again. Ha :) But I became an aunt!!!! :)

Yesterday my sister gave birth to the cutest baby boy. Yes, we were pregnant together :) He came 2.5 weeks early but still had a very healthy weight of 8.8 lbs and 19.5 in long. Both Mom and the baby are doing great, and I'm so excited for all of them. My sister already has a boy and a girl. And now another Halloween little one :)

It's a little hard that we will have the babies so close together, so we won't really be able to help each other but I'm excited for our little ones to grow together.

Now I just need to hang in there for a few more weeks...


  1. Congratulations to your family. It won't be long now before your little bundles arrive.

  2. Ha ha, I was ready to post my congratulations then but congratulations to your sister anyway. You sounds remarkably perky for someone waiting to have twins. Cool mama! xxx

  3. Congratulations to you and your sister. Yes, 8.8 lbs is a healthy weight. I think it was time for him to be born. :)

  4. Congratulations! 2 of my good friends and I all had our children around the same time. It makes for fun parties and play dates. Gives us adults a chance to hang out and the kids keep busy playing.

  5. That's wonderful! Congratulations!! <3 Hang in here, Lena!!

  6. You had me going there Lena!! It will be great that the cousins can all grow up together :)

  7. Just checking in. I think about you all the time.

  8. Congratulations Lena! I have been praying for you since I know your time is coming up any day now.

  9. Congrats on your new nephew! Can't wait to see YOUR babies soon! Hang in there!!!


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