Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

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              Happy Easter everyone!! I hope you have a beautiful day!

We will have a pretty quiet Sunday. The Baby is still sick and was up half of the night, so we are pretty tired. We wanted to have a nice dinner with my MIL (with me cooking everything) but she bailed on us. So we will have a ham dinner with all the fixings for ourselves and then we'll, probably, go for a little walk.

I'm still a little sick myself and don't know exactly what's happening. My test results for thyroid came back normal, so it's a good thing. On the other hand, I still have all the symptoms, so more than likely I'll be back to the doctor in a week or so.

But today I want to think about the blessings in my life! We went to Church this morning and really enjoyed it. I have a beautiful family (even when some of them don't sleep at night...), I'm not perfectly healthy but I can walk, and work, and run and take care of my loved ones. And I'm grateful for it! And on this special day I'm especially grateful for my Savior and for his eternal love and sacrifice for us!

He is Risen!! Happy Easter to you all!


  1. Perhaps you should read this post
    @180degreehealth. Might give you some thoughts on your health.

    Adrenal fatigue: Getting back to basics

    Happy Easter to you. :)

  2. I hope your little one (and you!) are feeling better soon.

    Your post is beautiful. Happy Easter!

  3. AMEN!! So many blessings to be thankful for! Happy Easter Lena and enjoy your lovely dinner!

  4. Happy you had a lovely meal with your family, Lena. We are blessed when so other are without. xx

    1. We truly are! So much to be thankful for!

  5. Maybe you're just tired because you have been sick or taking care of a sick child for so long, you're just worn out.

    Happy Easter.

    1. Maybe. I wonder if I have a bad case of inter blues or something. It seems like with a little more sun and the time I spend outside with the kids, I function a little better right now.

      Happy Easter to you too!

  6. Happy Easter to you and your family Lena! Hope your all feeling better soon:) Lynn

  7. Getting back to normal after an illness sometimes takes time, but I think you are wise to go back to the doctor if you think something is not right. I am so blessed to have found a doctor who believes that everyone knows what is going on in their body better than a doctor. There are several tests for thyroid and sometimes the problem shows up one one and not another. I'm going to ask about that the next time I go also.

    1. Good doctor is a must! I'm yet to find the one I like but I'm picky with our health :) I might need to go to somebody else to get a second opinion if I don't feel better soon.

  8. I hope Baby is better soon! I didn't cook this year, my mom did. She's visiting from Portugal this year.

    1. Thank you Bette! It's so exciting that your Mom could come and visit with you guys!


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