Monday, February 24, 2014

Food waste and a menu, week 2/24-3/2.

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All day long I was trying to get on the computer but our Internet was on and off. So frustrating! But it's finally back, and I'm one happy girl here (minus the fact that I will have to edit a bunch of translated articles for the next two hours...Mee...)

I realized that it's been a while since I posted any food waste/menu posts. It seems like something always comes up on Mondays

 Honestly, I even made a menu every Monday, I just never got to post it. I'll try to be better:)

On the other hand, I haven't had food waste for a while. Well, if you don't count a bit of cilantro (I don't. I saved almost all of it:). I've been really working hard on saving and stretching every single bit. And it does pay off. This week I will add zucchini, cabbage and green salad to our menu that really need to be used up. So far, I think, we'll be eating:

Mon. - pasta, Thai-inspired stir-fry (a recipe is coming soon), polish sausage, steamed broccoli (for kids)
Tues. - grilled chicken, baked potatoes, Russian slaw
Wed. - turkey tacos
Thurs. - meatball soup
Fr.- chicken salad
Sat.- leftovers
Sun.- TBD (not sure yet what this weekend will be like)

And do you ever come up with fun and easy recipes when you need to use up something in your fridge? What was your latest creation? :)


  1. Thanks for your menu ideas...I am going to try your slaw recipe. It sounds fresher and lighter than my mayo based slaw.
    We love thai food too, so would love your stir fry recipe when you get a chance.
    Hope you have a great week.

  2. Not sure I would call it recipes... but I just throw whatever into a stirfry pot. I cut up chicken and threw in a bit of cheese, some leftover peppers, can of tomatoes, can of vegetables... whatever's out there. I guess it helps that most of the stuff I have is vegetables and meats. Cant go wrong!

  3. my dinners are never the same twice...that's because I kind of cook with what I have, so I replace/exchange ingredients all the time. It's a great way for me to use up things in the fridge before they go bad

  4. We had a bunch of veggies and a little bit of meat leftover from various meals so we made a pizza dough and spread it out all over and crossed our fingers- it came out great! :)


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