Hello, hello, my friends,
How was your Easter weekend? Ours ended up being quite eventful. First, my BIL was involved in a fender-bender on Saturday where the other guy was threatening him with a knife. He is Ok and the guy was arrested but it was a few long and terrifying minutes for both him and his family. Then later on Saturday night we had a small (only 3.2) but still very real earthquake. It was my first ever and I wouldn't complain if it's the last one... I didn't even get what happened at first. It felt like an airplane flew by too close, or an explosion, or even a huge gust of wind. It really scared my little one and it took us a while to put him down that night... I have to say, it shook me too. This was an unusual and sobering reminder of what or Who this Easter season is all about...
Luckily, Sunday was quiet and uneventful. We had a great time with the family and got an enjoyable break from a busy life.
And we had some yummy leftovers to start this week with :) I love me some leftovers. It's going to be a crazy week again since we are still working on the garden and weather just doesn't want to cooperate, so simple is again on our menu :)
And I have a confession to make - I do not have any food waste this week but not because I don't have any (in fact, I'm positive that I have a bag of some very unhappy spinach there at the bottom of the produce bin...) but I just never got to organizing our fridge. It's definitely on my to-do list tomorrow. So instead, I'll share with you a picture of these mouthwatering grilled zucchinis (and yes, they taste just as good as they look):
Even though I still need to organize the fridge, I know approximately what we have. So here's our menu so far:
Mon. - leftovers
Tues. - chicken pasta with broccoli (and, possibly, spinach...)
Wed.- zucchini mini-quiches
Thurs. - salmon, rice, cauliflower in cheesy sauce
Fr. - vegetarian hamburgers, salad
Sat. - sticky drumsticks, mashed potatoes, whatever veggies we have on hand
Sun. - leftovers
And what's on your menu this week?

I have lived in the eastern and southern US all of my life where earthquakes are not common. However, I was in my first one a couple of years ago and it was unsettling. That one sounded like a big boom and I thought that there had been an explosion somewhere. A year later, we had another one that was larger. That one you could feel the shaking and things were falling off of shelves and caused damages to buildings. Despite the beauty and good weather, I do not want to live in California.
ReplyDeleteYum. Grilled Zucs has to be one of the best looking and great tasting items I never even knew existed until the last few years. I remember the first time I tried it, and believe me, I as hesitant, but yum! That photo does do it a bit of justice, and it's beginning to look a lot like summer! PS: I am fairly certain I also have a sad bag of spinach that needs to go to compost heaven... I underestimated how long it'd take me to eat regular food again after getting my wisdom teeth out.
ReplyDeleteOkay- after reading your post all I thought was "Wow."
ReplyDeleteWow to your BIL's car accident! That must have been really scary. Thank God they are alright.
And Wow to the earthquake. We have had little ones here too and it is frightening.
And Wow to the grilled zucchini- that looks delicious!
And Wow to your menu this week- everything sounds good! I am writing down your sticky chicken recipe- I think my kids would love it. :)
Wow, those grilled zucchini look amazing. I have never tried grilling zucchini before, I'm inspired to give it a try! Zucchini are a reminder to me that summer is on it's way and soon I'll be picking those out of my garden. Thanks for your blog. Love it!